Hi! Welcome
This is my blog to celebrating the normal, ordinary, common, familiar things in my life as a creative. Its about wonder and joy, beauty and inspiration, but on the small scale of everyday moments.
I am starting this blog, not so you can read it and then create beautiful painting. I am writing about my thoughts and experiences that showcase everyday moments…the moments that many of us zoom right past as we check things off our “To Do” list, not even realizing or worrying about seeing beauty in the everyday.
So…I like to practice slowing down and as I zoom about checking my “To Do” list, catch those moments, those glimmers, that bring beauty into the forefront of my life.
I choose this.
I fully believe that we are all creative. That each of us want to enjoy and create beautiful things. But many have talked themselves out of it, or think being creative involves a paintbrush or something similar. But us humans are creative because we have to adapt and manage our lives. That being said, being creative, or enjoying beauty and the things that make life beautiful may be easier for an artist. Being an artist these small moments of beauty catch my eye easily. I am constantly drawn to colors and shapes and how they interact. I pay attention to things that bring a glimmer to my heart. I choose to stop and enjoy these tiny seconds and moments in my life. These moments sometimes lead to paintings and many times these moments end up in my creative journey. BUT…I had to work at it, because… I am a zoomer with a “To Do” list. (HA! what women isn’t right?)
So this blog is not meant to tell you how to do anything. Its not meant to show you how to paint, or draw, or create a master piece. It IS a celebration of beauty. Moments in our life that bring that beauty forward. It is meant to be a relaxing read to give you pause, maybe show you a moment in my life that will reflect a moment in yours.
I will end this introduction with one of my favorite sayings, one that we have all heard many times.
“Enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realize they were the big things.”
I hope you join me on this journey to celebrate the everyday, normal, regular moments of life.
Yes, You CAN live a creative life.